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How to Protect Confidential Documents For Boards

Whatever the size of the board or company, it is essential for boards to protect confidential documents. The information is protected so that it cannot be accessed by anyone without authorization. This will help to avoid information leaks that could be detrimental to the company or cause an erosion of trust.

A comprehensive policy is necessary to address these concerns. The policy should clearly state that directors must protect any information that they receive or acquire while on an advisory board. The policy should clearly define confidential information, and should include a clause that a breach of confidentiality is a breach of director’s fiduciary duty to the company.

The most important thing is that the policy should define how the board will respond to any breach. In general the board must consider the various responses including censure by other directors to, in extreme cases removal from the board. This ensures that the policy is respected and will be enforced if the need arises.

In order to establish a strong board security system for documents is vital that the secretary use an appropriate board management and distribution system. These systems can be set up in a matter of minutes and provide the administrative and digital rights management (DRM) controls that are required to assist the secretary of the board in distributing documents to the board. The system offers the option of setting up specific access privileges for each individual, with printing and viewing limitations as well as the date of expiry for PDFs, visible watermarks, and the ability to view who has seen the document.