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Features to Look For in a Board Portal

The right board portal is an effective tool that encourages effective collaboration, improves governance practices, and aids in helping your organization stay compliant. Not all software for managing boards are made to be the same. When selecting the best solution for your business, think about what features are most important to you and your staff. You should also consider the ease of the software to use and the reputation and support of the company.

Make sure that the software is accessible 24 hours a day. The more convenient it is for your directors to carry out their duties and duties, the more likely they’ll be to accomplish their tasks. Make sure the software you choose comes with a video-conferencing option, which allows your directors to participate in meetings that they cannot attend in person.

Access centrally to all of your meeting documents, organizational policies and assignments. Your board members can review the entire set of materials from their mobile or desktop through a single login.

Make digital board-related packets in a matter of minutes rather than hours with the software’s agenda builder and template function. This feature is an excellent way to reduce time by creating your agenda automatically. You can also use the templates you have previously used in future meetings.

With the help of an action item tracker, your board can be more efficient and effective when it comes to executing tasks between meetings. Simply add new items to the agenda and track the person who is responsible for completing them.